General Information
State / Province *
Date Business Started Under Current Ownership *
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Current Insurance
Have you been previously insured? *
Nature of Business
Please select the option that best describes the nature of your operation *
Mechanical Bull Information
Revenue Breakdown
*Also: Football Challenge, Pool Tables, Spin Art Pictures, Oriental Name Writing, Rice Art Jewelry, Candle/Sand/Candy Art
*Also: Wax Hands, DJ/Sound/Video Equip., Photo Booths, Disco Ball, Old TIme Photos, Table/Yard Bowling, Simulators w/o motion, Hi-Striker, Batting Cage Game with Tee, Advertising Signs
*Also: Boxing Games, Lazer Tag, Hay Rides, Simulators with Motion, Velcro Wall
Rockwall Information
Do you have a rockwall? *
Risk Assessment
Please provide details to any "Yes" answers
Risk Management
Please provide details to any "Yes" answers
Equipment Rental Information
Do you rent any of your amusement devices/rides without operators/attendents? *
Do you have a customer training program? *
If yes, do they sign documentation after said program?
Do the amusement devices/rides have signs clearly marking age, height, or size limitations? *
Is any equipment left over night at the site where it was used? *
Do you use the manufacturer's checklist for the set up and use of the equipment? *